序号 No. | 申请程序 Application Procedures | 注意事项 Notes |
1 | 登陆报名网站 Log on in the registgration website http://iso.zjnu.edu.cn/StuApplication | 推荐使用火狐或者360浏览器 Firefox or 360 browser is recommended |
2 | 确认报名专业、需要提交的报名材料和注意事项 Confirm your major, application documents and notes. |
3 | 填写申请信息并上传申请材料扫描件 Fulfill application information and upload scanned copies of application documents. | 请确保邮箱地址、联系电话、邮寄地址等有效个人信息半年内有效以便及时收到录取材料。 Make sure your email address, phone number and posting address are valid within 6 months so that your admission documents can be delivered properly. |
4 | 学校审核材料并于5个工作日内给予反馈 ZJNU will verify application documents and respond within 5 working days. |
5 | 材料审核通过后,一个星期内汇款400元报名费(不退回),并扫描汇款凭证上传至报名系统 After the application doucments are verified, applicants are required to pay registration fee of 400 RMB (not refundable), and upload the scanned copy of receipt within one week. | 银行账户Bank Account 国内汇款: 户名:浙江师范大学 帐号:392258353019 开户行:中国银行金华市金东支行浙师大分理处 From abroad: Bank account: Beneficiary’s Bank Name: Zhe Shi Da Saving Office Beneficiary’s Bank Address: Jinhua Branch Bank of China Zhe Jiang Pro. China Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ92H Beneficiary’s Name & Address: Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua China Beneficiary’s Account No.: 390958343588
注:收到学校缴费通知之前请勿汇款。 Pls do not pay any fees before receiving an official reply. |
6 | 确认汇款成功后,学校将于4周内寄送录取通知书和JW202表原件 The Admission Notice and JW 202 Form will be posted within 4 weeks after the remittance arrives. | 所有报名材料上传完整,报名费缴纳完成后,报名方成功。 Application becomes valid after all the application documents are submitted and application fee is paid. |
7 | 学生携录取通知书和JW202表原件至中国驻其本国使领馆申请学习类入境签证 Apply to the Chinese Embassy in your country for X visa with the Admission Notice and JW202 Form. | 若申请者在国内,且持有签证将在4周内到期,学校不能保证在其签证到期之前为其延长签证,请谨慎报名。 If the applicant is already in China, and the currect visa will expire in 4 weeks, an extension will not be guaranteed. |