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Zhejiang Normal University

Just Tumi (More Efforts,More Lucky)

Just Tumi (More Efforts,More Lucky)

Tumi is a second and final year International Masters of Business Administration (specializing in Marketing Management) candidate at Zhejiang Normal University.


Professionally, she is a Marketing Consultant with vast experience in Marketing Strategy, Advertising Strategy, Social Media Management, Marketing Analytics, Qualitative Market Research and Public Relations Management. Her main areas of interest are Consumer Behaviour (which her thesis is based on), Qualitative Market Research and Marketing Strategy. She aspires to achieve a Chartered Marketer status-quo within the next two years. She hails from the world’s largest diamond producing country, Botswana (Africa) and she indeed intends to continue shining like one. She hold a Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) from the University of Botswana.


1  Winner of the English Speech Competition (2015)

2  Produced, directed and featured in a promotional video for the university titled ‘ZJNU-The Key To My Future’ (2015) http://iso.zjnu.edu.cn

3  Research Director-SIGMA Academic Fraternity (2015-2016) 

4  Key Presenter at the Women in Tech Summit (Topic-Outlook of China-Africa Exchanges)-organised by SAP China and Institute of Africa Studies ZJNU (2016) 

5  Key Presenter at International Conference on China-Africa Financing Cooperation for African Sustainable Development (Topic-SME Financing-The Future of Botswana’s Economy) organised by ZJNU(Department of Economics and Management), Tsinghua University and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-2016 

6  Radio Broadcaster of Foreign Flavour on English Bridge 95.2 FM, ZJNU campus radio station (2016) 

7  Co-founder of People of ZJNU, an independent social media project which aims to bring together international students of ZJNU through photo and video sharing and through live broadcasting of events which international students organise and take part in through Instagram and Snapchat: zjnu_1956 (2016) 


A brief description of Foreign Flavour:

The Foreign Flavour is hosted each week by Tumi and broadcasted live throughout the school campus every other week. It's normally on Thursdays .The aim of the Foreign Flavour is to bridge the gap between various cultural groups and help unite the foreign student’s community through one platform. Being a part of the community, Tumi could see that the foreign student community is not ‘’at one’’ as it should be. She took the opportunity offered by English Bridge to communicate to students of all races and nationalities and talk about trending topics within the university. She doesn’t host the show alone though. Each week, she invites a new guest and they talk about anything and everything that is worth talking about and sharing with the international student’s community. So far, she has been joined by Enrique from Mexico, Shaniah from Fji Islands, Kenneth from United Kingdom (UK) and Olamide from Nigeria.

Growth is expected for the show and Tumi would like for Foreign Flavour to become a household name. ‘’I wish for the show to become a go-to credible source of information. A platform where activities being run by different students are shared, achievements by other students are shared and  even where the latest songs are shared. Communication is a two way thing and I would love for my listeners to give me suggestions and if they want to join me in studio, then that would be AWESOME! This platform is for the people and it IS by the people, use it!’’

Tumi is a firm believer of dreams and believes that they are meant to be achieved through hard work and sweat. Her short term goal is to continue in radio (or even media as a whole) and hopefully excel to a station that broadcasts to more communities. She also aims and wishes to present at a TED conference one day. Lastly, she aims to stay in China and work her way to her being a reputable international Marketing Consultant.