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Zhejiang Normal University

The Ministry of Commerce’s Foreign Aid High Level Degree Education Program ( Comparative Studies) is Unveiled

On the 13th October the ministry of commerce foreign aid high level degree education program (comparative study) was officially unveiled. This marks the first high level foreign aid degree course that has been taken on by this university.

President Jiang Guojun attended the opening ceremony and gave a speech about this new turning point. He stated that providing education for African students has already become one of this school‘s biggest defining feature. Our school has also taken a more important role in the field of African studies. 



During the meeting, Prof. Wan Xiulan, the dean of Institute of International and Comparative Studies were accompanied by African student Sonya Cotton Ruth on stage to make speeches about this new development. There was also a chance for discussion and communication among the students, their shared wish of hoping to use what they learn at Zhejiang normal university in order to provide a service for their own counties’ education was very apparent. 
